Black Swan [2010]

Black Swan poster

I know I’m (very, very) late but I finally watched Black Swan and loved it.

Natalie Portman once again surpasses my expectations.
Brilliant atmosphere and interesting storyline.
Professional ballerinas are fascinating by themselves. Add to that the magnificent Tchaikovsky music, a beautiful cast of girls and a nice story about lack of mental health and this is what you get. A very entertaining and somewhat sad one hour and forty five minutes.

87% on Rotten Tomatoes and worth it.

Catfish (2010)

It was a displeasure watching this movie. In fact, after about 20 minutes I was fast forwarding most of the time.
In general I refrain from commenting on stuff I don’t like but this film has 81% on Rotten Tomatoes so I need to tell you not to waste you time:

Don’t waste your time.


It’s a boring, pseudo-documentary film with a lame story arch about this guy that meets a family on Facebook only to discover that they are all made up by this lonely 40 yo woman that lives in some god forsaken middle America town with a two digits IQ husband and his mentally disabled twin sons.

Yeah, you are thinking that the description makes it sound kinda interesting.
It isn’t.

325/365 – My birthday – O meu aniversário


November 20th was my birthday.
I was lucky enough to have my parents, my sister and the most recent brother, Scott (sister’s husband) visiting. It was a great treat!

Big kiss to all of the friends that remembered.
Friends are what makes birthdays special! Love you!

Dia 20 de Novembro foi o meu aniversário.
Tive a sorte de ter cá os meus pais, a minha irmã e o irmão mais recente, Scott (marido da minha irmã) a visitar. Foram uns belíssimos dias!

Um grande beijinho a todos os que se lembraram.
Os amigos são o que faz os aniversários especiais!

What I love about Paris – II

We are leaving Paris in one week. I will miss it very much.
That is to say:

  • I’ll miss the big and reliable metro system;
  • The affordable foie gras – I know it’s wrong;
  • All the friends and family that came to visit – Thank you!
  • The nights out on the town;
  • My lively and market-like street;
  • All the little dogs in little dog rain coats;
  • The patio of my building that changed so much through the seasons;
  • Friends that stay.

I shall not miss:

  • The food prices – supermarket, restaurants, etc.;
  • The size of our house;
  • The French postal service;
  • Having to do my laundry in the launderette.


Vamos deixar Paris daqui a uma semana. Vou ter muitas saudades.
Com isso quero dizer que:

  • Vou sentir falta do metro, tão grande e fiável;
  • Do foie gras a um preço razoável – Eu sei que é errado;
  • De todos os amigos e familiares que vieram visitar – Obrigada!
  • Das saídas à noite na cidade;
  • Da minha rua animada e cheia de lojas;
  • De todos os pequenos cães com pequenas gabardinas de cão;
  • Do pátio do meu prédio que mudou tanto com as estações do ano;
  • Dos amigos que ficam.

Não vou sentir falta:

  • Do preço da comida – no supermercado, restaurantes, etc.;
  • Do tamanho da nossa casa;
  • Dos correios Franceses;
  • De ter que por a roupa a lavar numa lavandaria automática.

What I love about Paris – I

Of all the cities I’ve visited in Europe, Paris is my favorite. Of all the ones I’ve lived in, Paris is still my favorite.


  • People walk fast. Very fast – apart from tourists;
  • You won’t need a car. EVER! Public transportation is the best I’ve seen – even with all the grèves. I love the metro;
  • Going to the movies can be expensive but you can watch any kind of film. There are hundreds of theaters and film festivals all over town. Oldies, blockbusters, independent, strange, foreign languages, etc.. Just look for the VO* sign on the poster;
  • Everywhere you look you have an art icon. The Eiffel Tower, The Louvre, The Grand Palais, The Seine, Montmartre, Sacré-CÅ“ur, etc.. And then you can see everything else in the museums;
  • The arrondissements. It’s all so convenient. You always know where things are by their postal code and how you can get there;
  • The cafés. Expensive coffee but so worth it. You can spend all the afternoon lounging under the heater in the terrace;
  • The rain. Paris is better in the gray tones of rain clouds. The sun is nice too but it’s much better enjoyed after a quick shower of angry Parisian rain.

* “Version Originale” (Original Version)


De todas as cidades Europeias que já visitei, Paris é a minha preferida. Depois de viver cá, continua a ser.


  • As pessoas andam rápido nas ruas. Muito rápido – tirando os turistas;
  • Não é preciso ter carro. NUNCA! O serviço de transportes públicos é o melhor que alguma vez vi – mesmo com todas as greves; Adoro o metro;
  • Ir ao cinema pode ser caro mas existem centenas de salas de cinema e muitos festivais por toda a cidade. Filmes antigos, blockbusters, independentes, estranhos, de outros países que não os EUA, etc.. Temos é que nos lembrar de verificar se é a versão original (VO);
  • Para onde quer que olhemos há um icon de arte. A Torre Eiffel, o Louvre, o Grand Palais, o Sena, Montmartre, o Sacré-CÅ“ur, etc.. E tudo o resto podemos ver nos museus
  • Os arrondissements. É tão conveniente saber onde estamos só pelo código postal;
  • Os cafés. Caros mas valem a pena pelas tardes inteiras na explanada a tostar debaixo dos aquecedores;
  • A chuva. Paris é vista melhor debaixo dos tons cinzentos das núvens de chuva. O sol é óptimo mas depois de um banho de chuva Paris fica cintilante.


Nice illustrations from Alex Noriega in his new blog Stuff No One Told Me.
I like this one in particular because it reminds me of this one person I pass almost everyday in my way to the metro. He is nice and polite and has a dog that he clearly loves.

Gosto das ilustrações de Alex Noriega no seu novo blog Stuff No One Told Me.
Gosto desta em particular porque me lembra este homem que eu vejo quase todos os dias no caminho para o metro. Ele é sempre simpático e tem um cão que claramente ama.

3 Things to do in Paris in July

Les Tr̩sors de Paris РSaturday, 3 July Рsite РAn urban treasure hunt. Free registration on the site;

Festival Paris Cinema – 3 to 13 July – site – Lots of movies some with English subtitles. €5 tickets and some free events;

Paris d’Amour – until 31 July – site – Photo exhibition from Gérard Uféras. Free admission. In the city hall foyer. See the site for more info.