The Wrestler [2008]

The Wrestler

Brutal and honest, The Wrestler is a film that gives you a glimpse into the life of an ageing wrestling champion from the eighties that continues his career way beyond his prime.
It got 98% in Rotten Tomatoes and this time I have to agree with the hive mind. Brilliant, stupendous film!
Everything is right with it: the writing, the actors, the lighting, the colours, the sounds, the way it progresses. It is entertaining even though some of the scenes are excruciatingly gruesome.

Shame [2011]

Shame Movie Poster

I heard about Shame from a few different people but never had the opportunity to watch it before now. Telmo and I watched it two nights ago and I was slightly disappointed.
I expected it to be a really heavy movie filled with emotion and drama but what I felt was more on the “it’s okay” category. I suspect if I’ve seen it in any other day I would feel different, so I’m saving my final judgment for when I see it again in another state of mind.

I have a few things to say, though.
I think people should chill out about speaking of this movie as if it’s The Sad Life of a Sex Addict. I don’t think he is a sex addict. I don’t even know if it’s possible to be a sex addict. (Maybe it’s an American thing…) When the human prime directive is to have sex and reproduce, can someone get addicted to a prime directive? Isn’t that exactly what is meant to be? He likes porn, hookers and risk taking (by implicitly having unprotected sex). So? He can afford the hookers and he is an unattached adult so quit it with the finger pointing, people!

He is lonely. He lives in a society that exalts monogamy and relationships as the only acceptable model of reality. As we see in the movie, his MARRIED boss is screwing around. Is his wife okay with that?

The pressure of a relationship, any relationship—as we see in the way he deals with his sister—is too much for him. He isn’t a sex addict, he is just emotional undeveloped.

It’s a pretty movie visually and the writing is good. I just need to watch it when I’m not in a funk.


The Grand Budapest Hotel [2014]

The Grand Budapest Hotel Poster
Saturday we went to the movies and because my brother-in-law mentioned it, I suggested we go see The Grand Budapest Hotel by Wes Anderson.
Wes Anderson is one of those directors that always makes beautiful movies. Unfortunately, they fail to entertain me sometimes. (Didn’t really like Moonrise Kingdom… Meh!)

But The Grand Budapest Hotel was super fun!

I loved the structure of the movie, the writing, the performances, the sets, the colours… Everything really.
Whimsical as always, Wes Anderson delivered a simple story about loyalty and love without being sappy or dull. Quirky and delicious!

Star Trek Into Darkness [2013]

Star Trek Poster Wikipedia

Yeah… I did it again. I went to see a movie and didn’t check if The Monster (aka Lindelof) was writing it. I know… I’m an idiot.

What I hated about the movie:

– The USS Enterprise is to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before NOT to go on manhunts;
– No coherent dialogs;
– No purpose;
– No story;
– No ideas;
– The horrible 3D – DOF in 3D, really?

What I liked about the movie but wasn’t enough:

– The brilliant actors;
– The shiny pictures when unspoiled by the horrible 3D.

What I would like to say to JJ Abrams:

– Dude…
– Just keep to original scripts – Cloverfield was okay;
– 3D sucks balls;
– Stop using The Monster;
– Really. Quit that.

I give it one star and it’s all for the actors and the director that made a visual silk purse from a writing sow’s ear.