La Grande Bouffe [1973]

poster at wikipedia

We saw this French oldie two days ago and I loved it.
This film is dark, funny, sad, grotesque, caricatural, over the top, and very, very different from today’s blockbusters. A real treat!
(Thank you M. For the recommendation.)

From the wikipedia page:
The film tells the story of four friends who gather in a villa for the weekend with the express purpose of eating themselves to death. Bouffer is French slang for “excessive eating”. (the Italian abbuffata means “great eating”).

Rotten Tomatoes’ audience gives it an 84%.
La Grande Bouffe at Wikipedia

Trailer (in German because I couldn’t find one in English or the original French):

The Wrestler [2008]

The Wrestler

Brutal and honest, The Wrestler is a film that gives you a glimpse into the life of an ageing wrestling champion from the eighties that continues his career way beyond his prime.
It got 98% in Rotten Tomatoes and this time I have to agree with the hive mind. Brilliant, stupendous film!
Everything is right with it: the writing, the actors, the lighting, the colours, the sounds, the way it progresses. It is entertaining even though some of the scenes are excruciatingly gruesome.

The Grand Budapest Hotel [2014]

The Grand Budapest Hotel Poster
Saturday we went to the movies and because my brother-in-law mentioned it, I suggested we go see The Grand Budapest Hotel by Wes Anderson.
Wes Anderson is one of those directors that always makes beautiful movies. Unfortunately, they fail to entertain me sometimes. (Didn’t really like Moonrise Kingdom… Meh!)

But The Grand Budapest Hotel was super fun!

I loved the structure of the movie, the writing, the performances, the sets, the colours… Everything really.
Whimsical as always, Wes Anderson delivered a simple story about loyalty and love without being sappy or dull. Quirky and delicious!

Black Swan [2010]

Black Swan poster

I know I’m (very, very) late but I finally watched Black Swan and loved it.

Natalie Portman once again surpasses my expectations.
Brilliant atmosphere and interesting storyline.
Professional ballerinas are fascinating by themselves. Add to that the magnificent Tchaikovsky music, a beautiful cast of girls and a nice story about lack of mental health and this is what you get. A very entertaining and somewhat sad one hour and forty five minutes.

87% on Rotten Tomatoes and worth it.