Deutsches Technikmuseum

The German Museum of Technology (Deutsches Technikmuseum) if probably the greatest place in the whole of Berlin for anyone that likes trains, airplanes, ships, photographic technology, film technology, printing technology, and much, much more.

I need to go again to enjoy the train collection in more detail. They have real trains from the Victorian age and beyond. It’s fenomenal!

Didn’t took many pictures because I was having too much fun with the trains…

Deutsches Technikmuseum

Deutsches Technikmuseum

Deutsches Technikmuseum

DDR Museum

DDR Museum

DDR Museum

We went to the DDR Museum (DDR=GDR) and I loved it. I’m fascinated with the fact that I’m living in a part of old Soviet Union.
The museum is interactive and one can, for instance, enter an apartment, go through the drawers, watch TV, see how they lived, how they had fun and how they were trapped in this communist utopia with no escape.
It made me think. It still makes me think. It’s worth going.

DDR Museum