Last week in pictures #100 to #106

These are not from last week, as you can tell. I’m playing catch up…

Pablo sleeping while standing.

Duncan Trussell‘s poster arrived and comes signed. Cool!

Out the window.

Pleasant evening with L. & S.

The previous evening, S. taught us how to open bottles like Real Men (aka without a bottle opener, aka like the Germans do and apparently the Swedish as well). This is my first bottle cap with this method. Ha!

Wedding cake architecture + wild roses.

Cocktail of the day: caipirinha.

Last week in pictures #93 to #99

Frankfurter Tor turm (Frankfurt Door tower). An example of Stalinist architecture (aka wedding cake architecture).

Thank Germans(!) for a very good sound isolation from our windows. This is our street now…

June has gloomy days as well.

U-bahn 1/2.

Takuya’s terrarium, Power Ranger included.

Biergarten time.

Raspberry and chocolate muffins. Recipe soon (as soon as I tweak it to perfection).

BoJack Horseman [2014 – ]

Brilliant animated series with an all star team of actors: Will Arnett (Arrested Development), Aaron Paul (Breaking Bad), Amy Sedaris (Bob’s Burgers), Alison Brie (Community).
It’s a Netflix series and I have to say they are doing a great job with the shows I’ve seen from them so far.
This one is about a washed up actor from the nineties that happens to be a horse, but that’s incidental.

I’m loving it.

Here are the opening credits: