Stranger Things [2016]

We’ve watched 5 out of the 8 episodes on Netflix and I think we’re pretty much sold. (Fingers crossed for the last 3 episodes.)

Winona Ryder does a very good job as the mother of a kid that goes missing and the acting in general is great.
It’s a series full of TV tropes from the 80s/90s but all seemingly done purposefully and with respect for the genre, if I can call it that.

Whimsical, mysterious, innocent, familiar but unexpected at times, the story is engaging and very well written. If you like thrillers with a little stirring of the most basic fears you might just like this one:

Side note, the intro is f*cking fenomenal:

Rick and Morty


Rick and Morty exists since 2013 and it’s amazing! Created by Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon–the same writing genius that gave us Community–the series follows a young high school student called Morty, and his drunken, irresponsible, probably clinically depressed grandfather in their intergalactic (interdimensional?) adventures.

Watch the preview. If you like it you are going to love the series:

True Detective

True Detective Poster

I’ve mentioned this show here before but only now were we able to finish watching the whole first season.
It’s a crime drama series with a clear nod to Lovecraft’s Cthulhu myths and it explores certain moments in the lives of two detectives who are investigating the horrific murders of several young women.

It’s intimate, slow paced, intricate, and it has a beauty to it that convinces you that the people involved in it truly loved what they were doing.

Now I want to watch it again…

Freaks and Geeks [TV Series 1999]

Freaks and Geeks We’ve been re-watching this amazing series in the last few weeks.
Funny how, even though it’s set in 1980 in some small town in the US, it’s really close to my experience as a teen in high school in Portugal around 1995.
It’s brilliantly written, and the actors do a great job in bringing the characters to life.
The series was canceled after only 12 of the original 18 episodes were aired. We still have one more episode to go and I’m already sad to know they will be gone soon. Maybe in 15 years I can watch it again and love it all over again.

If you don’t know the series, watch the (annoying) trailer:

True Blood

Pensei que este ano não ia haver nada tão bom como Mad Men mas enganei-me.

True Blood é fenomenal!


É a nova série de Alan Ball (o criador de Six Feet Under – talvez a minha série preferida). É uma história sobre vampiros, sobre humanos e sobre o sul dos Estados Unidos.

O genérico:

Acabou na semana passada a primeira temporada, nos EUA.

Edit: A verdade ̩ que o gen̩rico mostra mais da s̩rie do que o trailer Рque ̩ bastante piroso.

Man Men

Esta série estreou no verão do ano passado nos Estados Unidos mas só agora é que me veio parar às unhas. OMG, o que andávamos a perder. É capaz de ser a melhor série estreada em 2007. Pelo menos não consigo lembrar-me de mais nada que lhe chegue aos calcanhares.

Vejam o genérico:

É uma série passada nos anos 60, em New York, numa agência de publicidade. Foi criada por Matthew Weiner, escritor e produtor da série The Soprandos.

A segunda temporada começou ontem, nos EUA.

Aviso: É um bocado hipster! ;)

Do primeiro episódio:

Mais na Wikipedia.